Have you ever thought of involving them and make this moment be as magical as possible ? You would like to have a festive activity, to share a special moment and light up your night, then choose our sky lanterns to create a stunning glow and impress your guests. A sky lantern, also called chinese lantern, available on our website : skylantern-original.co.uk is 100 % biodegradable, 100 % flame retardant, wire-free, secured with a pre-attached cotton and paper fuel cell, individually protected and easy to use.
For a party, birthday, wedding, anniversary, commemorative, remembrance event or any other occasion, launch your chinese lanterns into the night sky and let them soar into the distance. You will create a sumptuous glowing atmosphere full of poetry and lyricism. You have a message of hope, happiness, joy, remembrance or any other message, sky lanterns are the best way to add this magic touch to your message. You can write on the lanterns with a special pen and give to your message a visual power, flying into the night sky and delivering your written message to heaven.
Just light up your chinese lanterns and they will rise from 1000 to 1300 ft and travel from 2 to 2.5 miles before the sky lanterns slowly disappear into the night. Chinese lanterns will descent only after the cotton fuel cell has burned out and will come back down, only when they are cold. To end up the launching the perfect way, you will see only a small flickering light disappear into the sky. To add a magic touch to this moment, you could illuminate your garden or table with mini candle paper bags or create an ambient lighting effect with water floating lanterns on a swimming pool, a pond, a lake or any other water surface.
Sky lanterns are also ideal for weddings, parties, birthdays or any other festive event. Choose our sky lanterns to express your happiness and optimism with your family, friends and guests and make a wish of joy and happiness.